Grub Cooking Tips
Grub protein powder can be a versatile addition to many dishes, including baked goods, smoothies, and protein energy bars. Grubs have an non-offensive umami flavor that leaves a light, nutty aftertaste.
They pair well with more or less anything. They are often used as a nutrition booster and will give you the same amount of protein as beef, but without the environmental side-effects.
Here are some tips for cooking with mealworms:
Add to baking: For best results, you can add 10–15% mealworm powder to your favorite baking flour.
Rehydrate dried mealworms: You can rehydrate dried mealworms with a solution of 2.5 milliliters of apple cider vinegar and 500 milliliters of water in a plastic container.
Roast or fry: Roasting and frying mealworms can create flavor compounds similar to those produced when cooking meat and seafood. Heating mealworms with sugar can also produce savory, "meat-like" flavors through reactions like caramelization, Maillard, and Strecker.
Bake: Oven-baked mealworms can be a crunchy treat, especially if you marinate them with spices before baking at 200°F for 60 minutes. You can also spread mealworms on a paper towel and dry roast them in the oven at 200°F for one to two hours until they're crunchy.
Boil: You can boil mealworms for a few minutes before using them in other dishes.